Posted November 10, 2020 in ReSensation® | 4 minute read

A mastectomy removes breast tissue in order to treat or prevent breast cancer. Since the breast nerves are severed during this procedure, women experience numbness and loss of sensation after surgery. They may not regain feeling, even if they undergo traditional breast reconstruction. Ellsworth Plastic Surgery is proud to offer a treatment called ReSensation® that can potentially restore sensation to your breast once again.
Patients who learn about ReSensation may have a lot of questions. How does this procedure work? How long after surgery does it take to get your sensation back? If you live in Houston, West Houston, or Katy, TX, you can meet with ReSensation expert and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Ellsworth. Contact us to learn about ReSensation breast reconstruction and how to begin the process.
How loss of sensation impacts women
Women who undergo a mastectomy lose more than just breast tissue. They also experience loss of feeling or sensation in the chest area. This happens because the breast nerves are cut during surgery. Research has shown that this loss of feeling can affect both your body image and emotional health. Dr. Ellsworth offers ReSensation breast reconstruction so patients can have sensation once again.
Watch a real patient testimonial video below, then read on to learn more about Breast ReSensation!
What is ReSensation?
Nerves carry signals to and from the brain, allowing us to experience physical touch in different areas of our bodies. When a nerve is severed, there is an interruption in these signals. So, what is ReSensation? To perform ReSensation, Dr. Ellsworth uses nerve tissue from a donor (also called allograft tissue) to bridge the gap and reconnect damaged nerves. The breast nerves will continue to regenerate after surgery, eventually providing feeling to the tissue.
We understand that the decision to get breast reconstruction is a personal one. ReSensation is most commonly performed during autologous breast reconstruction. Instead of using breast implants, we use your own natural tissue from another area of your body, often your lower abdomen. The lower belly fat that is traditionally discarded during a tummy tuck is instead taken with a blood supply and nerves to rebuild your breast. The resulting scar is generally hidden in the same place as a tummy tuck scar, underneath your bikini line. If you live in Houston, West Houston, or Katy, TX, and want to learn about your options for breast reconstruction, we can explain the process in full at our clinic.
Breast ReSensation recovery
When ReSensation breast reconstruction is performed during a mastectomy, you do not require any additional recovery time. Patients may not feel sensation in their breast for several months, but it may take up to a year for feeling to return. Dr. Ellsworth will let you know what to expect and give you detailed aftercare instructions so you can heal properly. Our team can schedule follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress. You should know that our staff is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have during breast ReSensation recovery.
Learn about ReSensation breast reconstruction
A mastectomy is a life-saving procedure for many women. Unfortunately, there are unwanted side effects, such as loss of sensation and feeling to the chest area. At Ellsworth Plastic Surgery, we want patients to feel supported both physically and emotionally. Our team is armed with the information you need to navigate your next steps. If you are planning or recently had a mastectomy in Houston, West Houston, or Katy, TX, schedule a consultation with Dr. Warren Ellsworth today. Learn about breast ReSensation recovery and more.