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Should I Be a Certain Weight For Breast Reconstruction Surgery?


Posted November 16, 2021 in Breast Reconstruction | 3 minute read

A Woman measuring her waist

A woman’s breasts are an essential part of how they look and feel about themselves. After a procedure, such as a mastectomy or lumpectomy – or even as a result of trauma or a birth defect – a woman might want to undergo breast reconstruction to regain their sense of self and confidence in their body. At Ellsworth Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Ellsworth helps patients in Houston, TX do exactly this.

If you’re considering breast reconstruction surgery, you might have some questions. What is breast reconstruction? Am I an ideal patient? You may even be wondering – should I be a certain weight for breast reconstruction?

Here’s what you should know about breast reconstruction and how it can help you achieve the look you desire and deserve.

What is breast reconstruction surgery?

Breast reconstruction surgery has come a long way. Thanks to incredible advancements in breast reconstruction, you can attain natural-looking breasts – even after they have been removed.

At Ellsworth Plastic Surgery, there are several options for breast reconstruction surgery. Depending on your needs and goals, Dr. Ellsworth will help you determine the right procedure for you. This might depend on cancer diagnosis, the timing of reconstruction, and if you want nipple-sparing or nipple reconstruction to be a part of your reconstruction.

Breast reconstruction requires there to be enough tissues to fully cover the breast mound, which can be done using one of the following flap techniques:

  • DIEP Flap, which uses fat, skin, and blood vessels (but not the muscle) from the lower stomach
  • Latissimus Dorsi Flap, which uses muscle, skin, and fat from your back

Each technique has its own benefits. For instance, DIEP flap preserves the abdominal wall function, which decreases your risk of hernia after surgery. The Latissimus Dorsi Flap provides a more natural feel and shape than implants alone.

Am I an ideal patient for breast reconstruction?

Each patient and situation is unique – and that’s why breast reconstruction surgery is a highly customized procedure. Dr. Ellsworth will discuss with patients in Houston, TX which treatment plan supports their needs, concerns, and available options.

It’s also important to have realistic expectations after breast reconstruction. While you can achieve a natural appearance, it’s important to keep in mind that your newly reconstructed breasts will not have the same appearance, feel, or sensation as your original breast(s).

Should I be a certain weight for breast reconstruction?

Some patients wonder if they should be a certain weight for breast reconstruction. In general, patients don’t need to lose weight to qualify for breast reconstruction. However, overweight or obese patients may need to lose a small amount of weight. This is because these conditions can lead to poor wound healing after the procedure.

We also encourage patients to stay healthy, including eating nutritious meals and staying active. Dr. Ellsworth can help each patient understand how to approach a healthy lifestyle according to their unique needs and goals.

Achieve natural-looking breasts with breast reconstruction in Houston, TX

Breast reconstruction has the power to help you regain the appearance and feel of natural-looking breasts. At Ellsworth Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Ellsworth is committed to helping each patient achieve their breast goals, including preparing for the procedure to ensure it is safe and effective. Make an appointment today for breast reconstruction to feel confident in your breasts once again.

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